What's Happening at New Life?
Love in Action
Love in Action is an extension of New Life in our Community. Through Love in Action, New Life has provided free meals, back packs, water bottles and even haircuts for youth in the lower valley. In the future we hope to be the hands and feet of Jesus as we continue to serve those in need in our community through Love in Action. If you would like to partner with us, please click the "CONTACT" button above.

Men's Group
New Life Men meet every other Thursday at 6:30 PM at New Life Church. The men fellowship, eat food together and dig into the Bible. Don't come to New Life? Doesn't matter, all Men are welcome! From the months of July to September we do not hold men's or women's group. However, we do start again in the fall.

The Rooted experience will take our church on a 10-week journey of learning and practice. Together we will learn foundational Christian beliefs and practice the 7 rhythms of discipleship from the New Testament. This experience will challenge and inspire us to step beyond our comfort zone as we follow Jesus. There will be Rooted workbooks available where you will find devotionals for every week as we walk through the 10 week series of Rooted. We will also be meeting once a week to dive deeper into the Rooted Experience.

Women's Group
New Life Women's Group meets once a month. Please check out New Life Church's social media platforms to stay updated on the dates and times as these fluctuate. Even if you don't attend New Life Church, we would love to have you. The women always have something awesome going on whether it's a craft, scripture study or some delicious food. Don't hesitate to come and be with women like you with stories like yours!